Berndt sellheim

Poet - Author - Photographer

Welcome! Thanks for visiting.

Please stay a few clicks, check out some recent work, and if you’re feeling cashed-up, order my latest book: The Fatal Dance. Maybe even my poetry manuscript Awake at the Wheel too. True story, the more people buy books, the less writers need to eat the books from their bookshelves because they’ve run out of food. Also, books make great gifts. They broaden the mind, and help you to realise that you are not alone in the world. In a pinch you can use them as coasters. So buy more books.

Portage Photographic

Established in 2023! Portage Inlet, Victoria, in beautiful BC.

Freelance photography & digital comms, Vancouver Island.

New clients, collaborators & friends can reach me HERE.

Portrait Image by Matthew Venables